John Wimber: His Life And Ministry

Written by Connie Dawson

“I am a fool for Christ—whose fool are you?” - John Wimber

Guidelines For Enjoying
John Wimber: His Life And Ministry

Happy shares additional insights to the book John Wimber: His Life and Ministry.



Enjoy supplemental materials, including John Wimber’s teachings, handouts, book suggestions, diagrams, and more!


These questions (see below) are to be used in conjunction with the book "John Wimber: His Life and Ministry” [by Connie Dawson] and the set of 10 corresponding videos done by Happy Leman.

To My Listeners…

Many of you might know not know me and wonder why I (Happy Leman) would undertake such a project as adding my perspective to each chapter of this book. Let me explain.


I knew John Wimber from 1983 until his death.


I was a spiritual son of John Wimber in the area of organizational leadership.


He was in my church and my home several times.



I met with John monthly as his personal consultant from 1990 -1992.


Many of the stories I relate, I saw up close and firsthand.


I was the author of Happy Notes, the most comprehensive record of the Wimber years.


I loved John Wimber and wanted to honor his legacy.



I served on the VUSA Board with John from 1990 -1997, and I was a VUSA Board Member and an Area or Regional Leader from 1989 - 2019.


He changed my world–which I wanted to share with you.


His message and style were paradigm-changing.


Video #1 / Chapter Intro

Share how you first came into the Vineyard or heard about John Wimber.

What was your reaction to the video?

What are you hoping to learn from this book?

Video #2 / Chapter 1

What factors of John Wimber’s early life impacted his future?

Discuss how John’s vision for church planting was inspired by the "funeral celebration" of a “dying church”.

What surprised you most about this chapter?


Video #3 / Chapter 2

What was the “Jesus People Movement” and how did it relate to the Vineyard?

How similar were John's journey and his understanding the Holy Spirit to the journey that you experienced?

Discuss John Wimber’s impact on church music.

Video #4 / Chapter 3

Discuss factors that led to the formation of the Vineyard as a separate Church.

Discuss the concepts of “word and spirit” and “proclamation and demonstration.”

What was John's view of women in leadership?

Video #5 / Chapter 4

Discuss MC510 and how it affected John and ultimately you personally.

How are the MC510 concepts still relevant today?

Describe a time when a magazine or a book changed your life.

Video #6 / Chapter 5

Take turns explaining the kingdom of God to each other

What parts of the kingdom do you understand and what don't you understand?

How has “Kingdom” teaching changed you?

Video #7 / Chapter 6

Criticism played a big part in the Vineyard and John Wimber’s life. How would have you responded?

What criticisms seemed fair and which seemed unfair?

What does it take to stay the course when you are heavily criticized?

Video #8 / Chapter 7

Had you ever heard of the Kansas City prophets before this?

What experiences have you had with that group of prophets or any other group of prophets?

Do you think the impact of the prophets was positive or negative overall in the life of the Vineyard?

Video #9 / Chapter 8

The Toronto Blessing was a big event. Discuss what you knew about it before this book.

What impact do you think it had on the Vineyard (and you) then and now?

Discuss the relationship of John Arnott, Randy Clark, and Happy Leman in regard to this event.

Video #10 / Chapter 9 and Conclusion

What are your thoughts about the final years with John at the Vineyard?

What's the most helpful thing you've learned about John's life in ministry?

How has his life and his Ministry touched your life?

Questions + Answers